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Map of UK canals and Rivers

Map of the canals of the UK

Map of the UK canals and Rivers, showing where you can go on a Latelink last minute canal boat holiday.

Map showing UK canals and rivers for boating holidays

Latelink has the largest selection of last minute specially discounted canal boat holidays in the UK. 

However, if you are planning more than 8 weeks ahead, try our partner Booking Agency,

You can easily find another map of the UK’s canals and rivers online, which shows the extensive network of waterways. Here’s how you can access one:

  1. Drifters Boating Holidays:  Superb organisation with huge amounts of helpful information about canal and river boating holidays.
  2. Canal & River Trust: They provide a detailed interactive map on their website, covering the network of canals and rivers across England and Wales. You can use their map to plan trips and see the different routes.

  3. National Waterways Museum: This museum also has a lot of useful information about the UK’s waterways and can direct you to maps and resources.
  4. Waterway Maps and Apps: There are apps and downloadable PDFs for UK waterways like the “Canal Planner” or “Waterways Map” app, which provides interactive maps of the canals and rivers in the UK.

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